(Read as Mr. Torque) Time to adventure again… in SPAAAACE! Watch our heroes Pandoramonium and Pocky_FBTV on Twitch as they play BorderlandsThePreSequel on their first ever playthrough of the gaaaame! Explosions! Space Lasers! Jumping really sloooowly! Falling just as slow! borderlands borderlands2 borderlandspresequel 2k 2kgaming steam streaming youtubegaming ytgaming ytred hitbox @cmaner
(Read as Mr. Torque) Time to adventure again… in SPAAAACE! Watch our heroes #Pandoramonium and #Pocky_FBTV on #Twitch as they play #BorderlandsThePreSequel on their first ever #playthrough of the gaaaame! #Explosions! #Space #Lasers! Jumping really sloooowly! Falling just as slow!
#borderlands #borderlands2 #borderlandspresequel #2k #2kgaming #steam #streaming #youtubegaming #ytgaming #ytred #hitbox @cmaner
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