I&039;m working on turning images from my latest photoshoot into prints that will soon be for sale at Comicpalooza and on KimberlyBalduf.com. Let me know if you&039;re interested in this print or another of my costumes as a print! cartoon Daphne Fred jinkies, mysterymachine Scooby ScoobyDoo Shaggy Velma cosplay photoshoot prints

Hanging out at Sherlock&039;s after being live on FanboyTV! Having some fishandchips! blonde blondehair glasses glassesgirl

Going live soon on television! I&039;m channeling a little GwenStacey

I switched to working on my gogotomago cosplay from bighero6 for a little bit! I have to shorten the leggings but that&039;s simple. =3 I&039;ll be doing a photoshoot tomorrow! If you notice, my hairybaby Gasket snuck into the shots lol.

Working on Spider-Gwen today! Mapping out the pattern for her front and back, waiting on the special zippers to come in. SpiderGwen Spiderman Spider-Man Marvel comics comicstrip gwen gwenstacey Stacey

On the way home, this happened. Suddenly the weather went from nice, to rain, to really hard rain, to two inch sized balls of hail. Chris and I were stuck on the side of the road a few times on the way home, he was trying to call his wife Courtney but I don&039;t know how well they could hear each other lol.

Since you never see the rest of me on camera, or me without my glasses, I decided to do a collage to show off booth! I&039;m rocking some shapely hippy goodness in my plaid skirt. FanboyTV is done for the week, had a lot of fun, tried not to cough since I&039;m still sick. Hopefully you got to see the show live, if not we release it on YouTube shortly afterwards!

About to go on live television for FanboyTV! Trying out my new wig too! I was born with bright red hair and I&039;ve missed and loved it ever since. This is me trying to get back to my ginger roots (quite literally). Watch me on FanboyTV.com and KimberlyBalduf.com today!