I feel like I just murdered someone lol LaraCroft CosplayWIP I&039;m purposely making a tank top dirty, so far so good! I bet someone at SXSW will ask me if I&039;m okay, once I get it torn up and bloody lol sxsw2016 sxsw sxswgaming gaming tombraider laracosplay Lara Croft ubisoft cosplay cosplayer cosplayers gamecosplay game games
I feel like I just murdered someone lol
#LaraCroft #CosplayWIP I’m purposely making a tank top dirty, so far so good! I bet someone at #SXSW will ask me if I’m okay, once I get it torn up and bloody lol
#sxsw2016 #sxsw #sxswgaming #gaming #tombraider #laracosplay #Lara #Croft #ubisoft #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplayers #gamecosplay #game #games
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