I got a selfie with Suds Saria and Shiv Pandet from the wonderful movie Loev! If you&039;re looking for a great movie during SXSW this is it! Fanservice is live for sxsw in AustinTexas! We&039;re interviewing many of those who are here for movies or shorts. It&039;s going to be six long hours of great interviews with great people! sxsw2016 FBTVSXSWLIVE FBTV FanboyTV interviews southbysouthwest Austin Texas filmfestival films filmfest

Selfie between filming/ interviewing! Fanservice is live for sxsw in AustinTexas! We&039;re interviewing many of those who are here for movies or shorts. It&039;s going to be six long hours of great interviews with great people! sxsw2016 FBTVSXSWLIVE FBTV FanboyTV interviews southbysouthwest Austin Texas filmfestival films filmfest

Fanservice is live for sxsw in AustinTexas! We&039;re interviewing many of those who are here for movies or shorts. It&039;s going to be six long hours of great interviews with great people! sxsw2016 FBTVSXSWLIVE FBTV FanboyTV interviews southbysouthwest Austin Texas filmfestival films filmfest

Pocky and me between interviews! Fanservice is live for sxsw in AustinTexas! We&039;re interviewing many of those who are here for movies or shorts. It&039;s going to be six long hours of great interviews with great people! sxsw2016 FBTVSXSWLIVE FBTV FanboyTV interviews southbysouthwest Austin Texas filmfestival films filmfest

A quick before on set selfie! Not used to driving in the sun so I finally got to use my sunglasses! Fanservice is live for sxsw in AustinTexas! We&039;re interviewing many of those who are here for movies or shorts. It&039;s going to be six long hours of great interviews with great people! sxsw2016 FBTVSXSWLIVE FBTV FanboyTV interviews southbysouthwest Austin Texas filmfestival films filmfest

Fanservice is about to go live for sxsw in AustinTexas! We&039;re interviewing many of those who are here for movies or shorts. It&039;s going to be six long hours of great interviews with great people! sxsw2016 FBTVSXSWLIVE FBTV FanboyTV interviews southbysouthwest Austin Texas

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