Kimberly Balduf
Cosplayer, TV Personality, Gamer Girl
Boots blew up on me at Chupacabracon. Thankfully I ordered two new pair while I was filming for FanboyTV lol, and they&039;re already here! So to the trash with these boots. cosplay cosplayer costume highheels heels kneehigh kneehighboots
Photos from last night&039;s SavageSaturday at Chupacabracon. Things were just getting started at this point, no idea what chaos I was in store for. I was in a custom game ran by one of the creators of SavageWorlds that was ran like a SyFy original movie. d20 dungeon dice roleplaying RPG roleplayinggame
Staying late to play SavageWorlds at @Chupacabracon after filming today for Fanservice (AKA FBTV FanboyTV tv tvshow renaissance elven fantasy woodelf Chupacabracon cosplay cosplayer renfaire
I&039;m an elf! A fantastic, fabulous, elf! Filming today for Fanservice (AKA FBTV FanboyTV tv tvshow renaissance elven fantasy woodelf Chupacabracon cosplay cosplayer renfaire
I&039;m an elf! A fantastic, fabulous, elf! Filming today for Fanservice (AKA FBTV FanboyTV tv tvshow renaissance elven fantasy woodelf Chupacabracon cosplay cosplayer renfaire
Worked on my elf wig with my wife. Just used what we had on hand. The circlet I made for a prior elven cosplay. Wish I had an appropriate weapon to carry around. It&039;s a pen and paper RPG gaming convention! Chupacabracon renaissanceDid a little fabric shopping last night, working on an elf cosplay for @Chupacabracon this weekend. Still sewing, will show photos later! It&039;s a pen and paper RPG gaming convention! Chupacabracon renaissance renfaire tabletopgames penandpaper roleplaying renfaire tabletopgames penandpaper roleplaying
Did a little fabric shopping last night, working on an elf cosplay for @Chupacabracon this weekend. Still sewing, will show photos later! It&039;s a pen and paper RPG gaming convention! Chupacabracon renaissance renfaire tabletopgames penandpaper roleplaying
I had to join the music club for sempai to notice me, now the jerk ? is late for practice! (I can&039;t stay mad…) ?? miitomo miiphoto sempainoticeme senpainoticeme sempai Japan fuku schooluniform schoolfuku schoolgirls music band school afterschoolclub
Add me on miitomo :) qrcode Nintendo @Nintendo
I got my new businesscards today for Altered our standard design myself to be girly with sailormoon references. :) FBTV Fanboy TV DreamHackers Austin AustinTexas Texas austintx